Despite the fourth quarter, Mexico is among the 5 most corrupt countries on the planet: Mexico, Uganda, Cameroon, Cambodia and the Republic of the Congo.

Despite the fourth quarter, Mexico is among the 5 most corrupt countries on the planet: Mexico, Uganda, Cameroon, Cambodia and the Republic of the Congo.

In his first speech as Mexico’s first president, President Lopez Obrador said his government would fight corruption. A few months later, the president himself asserted that his government was no longer plagued by corruption. Three years into his tenure, López Obrador, despite the scandals of his brothers, despite the scandals of Bartlett, despite the scandals of Luzoya and the members of Morena, still asserts that there is no corruption in his government.

However, according to the Global Justice Project’s ranking, which measures levels of corruption in 139 countries in the world, Mexico ranks 135th out of 139 countries.. The Global Justice Project measures corruption rates related to bribery, undue influence of public or private interests, and embezzlement of public funds or other resources.

The least corrupt countries are Denmark, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Finland and New Zealand. It is worth noting that Mexico, rather than curbing corruption, has increased in recent years, dropping 14 places in one year. According to this ranking, the most corrupt countries are Mexico, Uganda, Cameroon, Cambodia and the Republic of the Congo. 4 African countries and 1 in Latin America. Not even Venezuela.

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