Discover the Museum of Science and Technology will be 25 years old – El Sol del Centro

Discover the Museum of Science and Technology will be 25 years old – El Sol del Centro

Along with the celebration 25th Anniversary subordinate Explore the museumFrom November 13 to 19, a series of cultural activities, concerts, conferences, scholarly publication talks, workshops and courses are prepared to close the year.

This was revealed by Yvette Gonzalez, the director of this Interactive Science CenterWho added that the launch Satellites by high school students.

The Satellites this time, “They will not have the quality of the competition, it will be a cycle because it is our first edition of the museum, because what we want to do is gain experience rather than awaken the spirit to compete, and we are already inviting high school students to participate”.

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He added that advertisement It is defined by the idea of ​​starting the course on satellite on October 20 and launching on November 14

On the other hand, he pointed out that by the time of the date holiday:

We will announce when the new showrooms open that it will be a great show because its importance or importance is that they are technology spaces

… where related topics roboticAnd electronicsHistory of the different technologies that have emerged over time. He explained that this new space It is carried out in cooperation with April“.

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He noted that rather than influence, pandemic allowed renewal The spacesAnd

Many people have come these days, perhaps because we are now feeling more relaxed or restricted, and this has allowed a large number of people to visit who have shown great interest in showing the bugs

…a temporary space that we will close at the end of December and that is an offer For more than a thousand different types of insects“.

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projects for next year, “It’s not very well defined yet, because we’ve been rather working on planning the full reopening of the museum and Anniversaries“.

the museum “It has been open since March, but the capacity has decreased since the risk of infection COVID-19 It is still valid, anyway, all our activities are 100% open, which is the room IMAX The planetary, The earth house And green spaces opened up as a source of distraction for children.”

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