Medicine week begins in Xochicalco

Medicine week begins in Xochicalco

Carla Padilla / El Vega
[email protected] | Ensenada, British Columbia

With the participation of students, alumni, academics, administrators and the health sector, the 10th Academic Week of Medicine for Covid-19: A Life Experience has begun, in which the University of Xochicalco intends to enhance the knowledge of young people through interaction with experts from the health field.

Jordi Alva Alimen, Vice President of Campus at the University of Zuchicalco Ensenada, emphasized that these types of activities allow them to take learning outside the classroom and for young people to interact with graduate students and medical professionals to enhance their knowledge.

Hybrid Activities
On the other hand, Kenya Marne Machado, Academic Coordinator of the Campus, stated that from October 11-15, various academic, sports, cultural and recreational activities, forums, conferences and a panel of alumni will be integrated for students among others.

He pointed out that the academic week is implemented in a hybrid way, allowing more than 600 students in the medical profession to participate in various activities, whether in person or remotely.

Marn Machado added that nearly 60 percent of those enrolled in this degree come from entities such as Baja California Sur, Sonora and Sinaloa, so he emphasized that these activities also allow them to reach neighboring countries to join the university.

Finally, Simitrio Rojas Vergara, director of the Ensenada School of Medicine, emphasized that the academic week’s topic focuses on a topic that has affected a lot locally and globally, so they will be specialists who have been in a battle field who will talk about preventive measures, treatments, rehabilitation and the social impact of the virus.

He noted that there will be about 25 presentations, between those scheduled for the academic week from Monday to Wednesday and those that will continue at the Medical Interdisciplinary Conference of the University of Xochicalco (Cemux), a conference organized by and for students.

He concluded that the presentations that will be given during these days will also be open to the general public, as it deals with a language suitable for anyone wishing to integrate.

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