Doctors activate their own rehabilitation process

Doctors activate their own rehabilitation process

Jose Miguel Lines, Julian Perez-Velacstin, Pilar Rodriguez Lido, May del Mar Rodriguez Vazquez del Rey and Carlos Solano.

Update skills and knowledge health professionals It has been in the crosshairs of scientific societies for several years. Following the opinion of European health organizations and tendencies Ministry of Health, it appears that re-accreditation could be a reality in Spain. However, the continued delay in the approval of Royal Decree of Specializations, where he mentions the development of the process of re-certification agreed upon between the scientific societies and the Ministry; It encourages representatives of Spanish specialists to commit to preparing their own re-accreditation despite doubts about its normative validity.

The last to join this movement was the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (Half) who aspires to Create your own rehabilitation In order to “ensure that internists are constantly updated in their knowledge and skills”. In this sense, a discussion has also opened about the legal capacity of scientific societies to carry out this purpose. medical writing He contacted them to find out who are planning to follow the same path and those who are waiting at the moment.

For example, file Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) is working on a “rehabilitation project, although it has been delayed due to other, more urgent needs drawn from pandemic”. Despite this, SEN sees it as logical that “all operations follow common lines and consensus between Ministry and scientific societies.

for this part, Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) confirms that it is in negotiations with Health, relying on Angel Cequier, the company’s CEO, as its representative: “We are confident that progress can be made in this process.”

Family and pulmonologists already have their own rehabilitation

The companies that already have their re-certification process are the Spanish Association of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (SEMGand the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (Separated). In the first case, it has “a tool to facilitate the renewal of the specific competencies of medical professionals that ensure their qualification for professional practice”.

“SEMG Professional Development (DP-SEMG)” is the name given to this initiative at no cost to its members which “assesses each professional’s situation and checks whether he or she meets the criteria for rehabilitation. If not, SEMG will present a Doctor with all The training needed to be able to renew his professional license every six years.

Separ provides a report on activities that “must be submitted every 5 years”

In turn, from Separ, they advocate rehabilitation that is obtained “through an evaluation report of activities (health care, training, research) that should be sent to Certification Committee periodically by the heads of approved units, whatever their level of complexity.

memory of these activities.Must be sent every 5 years It will include data issued by the entities or departments of hospital management, which allows assessing the degree of commitment and compliance with the objectives and indicators specified for each level.

Pediatrics, waiting for health too

There are also communities waiting. This is the case in Spanish Pediatric Association (AEP), which does not consider it “appropriate to initiate a process on our part” and sees better eyes “waiting wisely to see what the requirements will be and the viability of the process that is not yet defined.”

The first generalized nuance among all companies is that it is okay to design your process, but it should be noted that it lacks a legal and regulatory nature. Something that will only come after the Ministry of Health approves a consensus model. In this sense, from the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hematology (SEHH) does not see in companies the “regulatory capacity to force reaccreditation”. Despite this, he considers, “it may be useful to start a process and then advise the Ministry.”

Although it may contain statements, statements, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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