Donald Trump appears again on television and insists on electoral fraud

Donald Trump appears again on television and insists on electoral fraud

Former US President Donald Trump He reappeared on TV on Wednesday to lament the death of broadcaster Rush Limbaugh, and insist he was a victim. Fraud In the November 3rd elections.

In a Fox News outnumbered phone interview, Trump card He said he mourned the death of Limbaugh, who had died of cancer.
“He can talk for two hours, three hours, just talk. It’s not easy. People, whether they want it or not, respect that.”

Also read: Roche Limbaugh, the voice of conservatives in the United States, departure

Trump card, Who was acquitted on Saturday in the second political trial against him, this time for his role in the attack on the Capitol on January 6, insisted that there was Fraud In the November elections that gave the Democrat a victory Joe Biden.

Although he provided a series of legal resources, it was never proven that he said them FraudBut he continued to insist on it until the end of his term.

Democrats accused his debate that prompted a crowd of supporters to storm the Capitol, putting lawmakers at risk.

But in the interview, Trump card He said: I was disappointed with the scheduling of votes. I think what happened was a disgrace. We were like a third world country on election night, with centers closed and everything that happened after that. “

Trump card He confirmed that Limbaugh believes the president won the election. “So are we. I think we won a lot.”


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