Equity protects the reduction of medical agendas at the primary level

Equity protects the reduction of medical agendas at the primary level

Supreme Court of Justice of Galicia.

Supreme Court of Justice of Galicia (TSXG) Xunta de Galicia and Servicio Galego de Saúde condemned it (Sergass) by “Physicians’ rights are violated From primary care and pediatricians’ to the public health system of an independent community, thus supporting Restrictions on medical agendas due to “occupational hazards”. The court also argues so Existing regulations are not respected to ensure their general safety and health.

The judgment of the Social Chamber of the Supreme Court of Galicia responds to the class action application submitted by the Confederation of Independent Doctors of Galicia Omega last August to Deplore the disproportionate workload to which Sergas and the Ministry of Health subjected the doctors and pediatricians in primary care in Galicia, and forced it Caring for an average of 70 patients per daytwice the limit set by the government of Galicia itself in regional regulations designed to deliver quality healthcare.

TSXG declares that it is substantiated by this provision that syrgas of the ministry of health”,breaches its obligations In terms of occupational hazard prevention, assessment of the workload of the medical community and assessment of the risks of their workplace “and condemns the two public bodies raised” for immediate impact on Mandatory occupational risk assessmentspecifically and specifically including the psychosocial assessment of the functions of primary care physicians and pediatricians.”

In its claim before TSXG, O’Mega’s medical syndicate denounced it Excessive workload for physicians Primary health care cause damage Both for medical workers – by causing double work disabilities and also the risk of issuing a wrong diagnosis – and for public health users, who do not receive quality care according to the standards set by the Government of Galicia.

In fact, O’Mega explained in his lawsuit that despite the fact that Galicia has a regulation called “Criterios de Calidade das Axendas dos / as Medicos / as de Familia de Atención Primaria” Sets the maximum number of patients to 40 A primary care physician can come to him in one day, “over and over” doctors are forced to Consultation service for up to 80 patients In the 300 minutes I spent in their working day, which averages just over three and a half minutes per patient, the time spent by the union is “utterly insufficient to deliver quality health care”.

Health risks

The High Court details that the Galician Health Department has not implemented occupational hazard prevention plans that it had to adopt in accordance with and with current regulations It threatens the health of doctors and pediatricians who work in the primary care system in circuses.

The judgment includes a work inspection report which “has a general contravention of the preventive regulations in force with regard to the performance of Psychosocial risk assessmentsto which doctors are subjected due to their heavy workload.

anyway He admits that “exhaustion of professionals It is an indisputable fact because of their dedication.” TSXG does not judge the fact that the large number of patients they have to treat each day violates the physicians’ right to their health because, as the judgment states, they “override this measure.”

General Secretary of the Federation of Independent Galician Doctors – Omega, Manuel RodriguezHowever, he expressed relief at the fact that TSXG had endorsed in the sentence the facts his union had denounced.

Likewise, it highlighted the contradiction that the regional administration, which is responsible for monitoring compliance with legislation on the prevention of occupational risks, does not comply with its workers exactly the same regulations that it intends to enforce with Galician companies.

Although it may contain data, data or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional with any health-related questions.

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