European Union: Respect for democracy is a condition for going to the Summit of the Americas

European Union: Respect for democracy is a condition for going to the Summit of the Americas

Washington, DC. /

The United States, which hosted the Ninth Summit of the Americas in June, that respect for democracy is a “condition” for participating in the event, When the presidents of Mexico and Bolivia actually made their aid conditional, there would be no exceptions.

The head of US diplomacy for the Americas, Brian Nichols, said at an event in Washington that since the first summit of the Western Hemisphere, Held in 1994 in Miami at the request of former President Bill Clinton, the promotion of democracy was a major theme, He reaffirmed when the Inter-American Democratic Charter was approved in 2001.

At the third summit in Quebec, “The region’s leaders advocated strict respect for democracy As a prerequisite for participation in all future summits.” “since then, Any unconstitutionality, change or disruption of the democratic system may be an obstacle to participation in the summitSpeaking at the 52nd Conference on the Americas organized by the American Business Forum ASCOA, he stressed.

Nichols said last week that Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela “disrespect” the Inter-American Democratic Charter Regional document for the defense of institutionalization in force since September 2001“Therefore” they are not expected to attend the upcoming Hemisphere Summit to be held June 6-10 in Los Angeles.

It’s President (Joe Biden’s) decision but I think it was very clear Nichols said in an interview with the channel NTN24.

On Thursday, Nichols did not mention Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, countries that the United States considers governed by authoritarian regimes that violate human rights and individual liberties. He did not allude to the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, He announced Tuesday that he would not attend the ninth summit “unless everyone is invited.”.

I don’t want the same policy to continue in America, and I actually want toIt affirms independence and sovereignty and demonstrates for global brotherhood. “We are not with confrontation, we are with the brothers,” he told reporters.

On Wednesday, the Bolivian President, Luis Ars, political dauphin of former president Evo Morales, took the same position, He mentions on Twitter that “A summit of the Americas that excludes the American countries will not be a full summit of the Americas.” CARICOM leaders also called for a “comprehensive and non-exclusive” ninth summit.

In addition, representatives of the Caribbean countries indicated their disagreement with the eventual representation of Venezuela in Los Angeles by opposition leader Juan Guaido, whom the United States and many American countries consider the interim Venezuelan president By not recognizing Nicolas Maduro’s re-election in 2018. None of the leaders who questioned the presence of states not invited to Los Angeles mentioned the commitments of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.


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