Exports of jewelry and goldware will recover to their pre-epidemic levels in 2022 | USA | United States | NNDC | Economie

Exports of jewelry and goldware will recover to their pre-epidemic levels in 2022 |  USA |  United States |  NNDC |  Economie

Export Jewelery And goldsmiths in Peru exceeded 30 million US dollars in the first four months, registering an important growth of 290.6% compared to the same period in 2020 (7 million US dollars), guiding the recovery process that will be next year, according to the British newspaper The Guardian . Exporters Association (Adex).

Although the increase is quite significant, the head of the Jewelery and Drafting Committee of the Guild, Rossio Mantella, explained that it is mainly due to the low base of comparison for the first months of 2020 when the health crisis began and hit this element hard, especially due to the lower demand because they are luxury products.

It should be noted that these shipments have not yet reached pre-pandemic levels, with between January and April 2019 more than US$54 million, just over half of that value has been recovered. Along these lines, we are confident that by 2022 shipments of jewelry and goldsmiths will once again achieve previous numbers.“, It is to explain.

He added that the positive numbers for 2021 go hand in hand with higher demand in the US thanks to a slight decline in the value of gold at this point, as consumers see jewelry as a safe haven (a saving and protection measure).

The North American giant has always been the best destination. In the analyzed period, 83.3% of these exports were concentrated, followed by Chile with 9.3%. It comes after Canada (1.6%), Colombia (1.4%) and Ecuador (1%), among other countries, with minimal risks.

Although these markets are still small, they represent a great opportunity for the sector, especially micro, small and medium companies, since as a result of the pandemic, greater convergence with the countries of the region has been promoted thanks to virtual meetings and exhibitions.‘, is detailed.

main destinations

Overseas jewelry shipments until April 30 reached markets. The United States was the main country, adding $25 million and increasing its demand by 418.1%. In second place was Chile (2 million USD), which also closed with a significant increase of 456.7%. Canada, Colombia and Ecuador completed the top five.

According to a report by the CIEN-Adex Research Center for Business and Global Economy, China was the main supplier of the jewelry sector in 2020 with a 12.8% share, equivalent to 9.89 billion US dollars. Peru ranked 42nd in the ranking of the world’s exporting countries.

In 2020, the total exports of Peruvian jewelers and jewelers were $71 million, with gold jewelery accounting for 84.8% of the total.

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