Fecal cultures reduce the risk

Fecal cultures reduce the risk

newborn photo.

The new born in danger of suffering type 1 diabetes Can take antibiotics again Intestinal microorganisms With Fecal transplant for the motherAccording to a study conducted by Rutgers University in the United States and published in the journal host cell and microbe.

The results indicate that newborns at risk of developing type 1 diabetes due to their infection microbiome (Billions of beneficial microorganisms in our bodies) have been altered, they can Reversing disease by fecal germ culture from his mother to the gastrointestinal tract after treatment with Antibiotics. Type 1 diabetes is the most common autoimmune disease of childhood.

Our previous work has shown that exposing young animals to antibiotics disrupts the microbiome, which can alter age-related immunity and organ-specific inflammation, increasing the risk of developing immune diseases,” explains co-author Martin PlacerDirector of the Rutgers Center for Biotechnology and Advanced Medicine.

Maternal Microbial Transplant

The study compared mice exposed to antibiotics between days life 5 and 10 and those who underwent a macular microbiota a week later, and those who did not. The researchers found that the transplanted mice partially recovered The microbiome and diabetes risk returned to the baseline level.

Mice exposed to antibiotics had a reporter gene expression in The intestinal wall is too high or too lowBut the transplant brought them back to nearly original levels and restored metabolic pathways, says co-author Xue-Song Zhang, associate professor at the Rutgers Center for Biotechnology and Advanced Medicine. “We have been able to identify groups of The genes are back to normal After transplantation, it was as if the mice had not received antibiotics.”

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