Film of the Week on Netflix: Roberto Baggio, El Divino

Film of the Week on Netflix: Roberto Baggio, El Divino

Netflix Latin America has announced, on its YouTube channel, that it will release every week, for the rest of the year, a new movie for all its subscribers to enjoy. This week is for all football fans.

As can be seen from the broadcast platform, Roberto Baggio: El DivinoIt is a new Italian movie that depicts the life of one of the most admired soccer players in history. It is scheduled to premiere in a catalog Netflix This Wednesday, May 26th.

Below, you can see the reasons he suggests Netflix Which you have to see Roberto Baggio: El Divino:


Below you can also see the official trailer for the movie, Based on Hayat Roberto Biagio“A man who has inspired generations with his exceptional talent. And not only that. A unique footballer, capable of moving fans around the world.”


3 Academy Award Winners Don’t Miss:

  • Parasites | Year 2019 | Both Ji Taek and his family are unemployed. When their eldest son, Ji Woo, begins teaching in the wealthy Park family, the two families, who share a lot in common despite their belonging to two completely different worlds, forge a relationship with unexpected results. This movie won a Academy Award For the best movie in its first year.
  • Matrix | 1999 | The Movie It tells the story of the adventure of Neo, a young pirate summoned by the resistance movement led by Morpheus, who fights the domination of machines over humans. Morpheus offers you two pills of different colors: one will keep you illusory, and the other will discover the truth.
  • Forest Gump | 1994 | else Movie Winner b Academy Award For the best movie you can watch Netflix: Forrest Gump, a strong and innocent young Southern man, is the hero of decisive events in US history.

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