Food: The Challenge for US Families | international

Food: The Challenge for US Families |  international

inflation in US closed 2021 at 7%, which was an unprecedented record in the past 39 years for the country.

(Read also: Djokovic’s problem persists in Australia: His visa has been revoked.)

The world’s leading economy is no stranger to the shocks left by the arrival of covid-19 pandemicSuch as disruption to supply chains. And this effect is already beginning to be felt by its inhabitants in everyday life.

In the accumulation of the year, several categories rebounded, such as the case of gasoline (49.6%); energy (29.3%); gas (24.1%); meat, chicken, eggs and fish (12.5%); Among other things.

This is a worrying issue. Inflation was gradual, but it sure happensGabriel Guerrero, 27, a resident of Columbus, Ohio, said. Marcel Guerrero, Gabriel’s father added, “Other than the issue of inflation, one thing is very certain, which is that a large part of the population has never experienced inflation, because this country has been stable.”

(Also: A rate hike adds support from the US Federal Reserve.)

Inflation in the United States, as in any part of the world, has different levels of influence, depending on social class, but in this country another element is added: Salary.

Inflation is a worrying issue. It’s been gradual, but it’s already happening and having an impact

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Wages in this country are subject to working hours and place of residence. In fact, by around 2022 21 states have raised the base pay.

To give examples, in Delaware it went up $1.25 to $1,050; Whereas in Ohio this is $9.30 and in Massachusetts it is $14.25.

Regarding rents, “there was a noticeable increase in rent, about $1,000 or $1,500,” said Manuela Jaramillo, a Colombian based in San Francisco (California).


category Proteins were among the most abundant Last year was in numbers (see chart), but without a doubt one of the ones that has had the biggest impact on citizens’ pockets due to the large number of home purchases.

In addition to the issue of inflation, one thing is very certain that a large part of the population has never experienced inflation

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), indoor dining was 6.5% annual increase And dining out was 6.0%.

Maria Garcia, a Venezuelan from Atlanta (Georgia), commented, “The most here is beef and chicken. A family chicken tray you can buy before for $10 or $12 costs $20 (… ) Meat ranges between $40 or $50, preferably going to a restaurant.”

(Keep reading: The Colombian economy will grow 3.7% in 2022 and 3.3% in 2023.)

Similarly, Atilio Lugo noted that in Cathy (Texas), a 12-22-pound beef steak rose from $2.64 to $47.47.

Meat used to be $20 but now it’s between $24 and $25, for the same reason there’s also chicken and pork‘,” added Gabriel Guerrero, while Manuela Jaramillo commented that ‘a pound of salmon costs $7 or $8’ when before that it was $5.

“The fruit that I used to buy for $5 is now worth $7 and it doesn’t really affect me, but families with less purchasing power can’t buy milk,” said Monica Sells, a resident of Los Angeles, California.

In addition to food, there are other important items today, such as The value of the masks is also increasing.

“A pack of masks started at $4, and now you can find them for $7 or $8,” said Leonardo Tarrazona, who lives in Houston, Texas.

(See: They’re blocking the rule in the US that forces workers to get vaccinated.)

In construction and housing, Jason Danny (North Carolina) commented that his home construction costs increased by $10,000 per month.


Yes good More fuel increased (See chart) At the country level, it is worth remembering that this varies by region, although in the survey, all increases were expressed.

“We decided to look for an electric car to protect ourselves from rising gasoline prices,” said Daniel Salz.


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