Free and streamed! An African Film Festival that seeks to raise awareness through art has begun

Free and streamed!  An African Film Festival that seeks to raise awareness through art has begun

From Argentina, not much has been studied about African culture, and to a large extent, it is the result of racism and cultural colonization that promote globalization. This is why it is so important to African Film Festival Free access to the country through the platform October

At the festival there Competencies, which are both short and fiction films, as shown Some films are out of competition. The full schedule Seen on the streaming platform, she researches the diversity of styles and cinematic approaches to and around Africa, Afro-descendants and the diaspora.

The Southern Observatory The African Film Festival “Mirrors and Mirage” has been organized for several years. This year is their 14th festival and will also have face-to-face activities, such as talks and talks on the topic of people of African descent.

There are over 50 films shown in Senegal, Congo, Egypt, Algeria, Cape Verde, South Africa, Western Sahara, Togo, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Rwanda, Liberia, Ghana, Egypt, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Guinea. There are also productions from: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica, USA, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Portugal, UK, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and others.

The festival aspires to contribute to building more enlightened and inclusive societies. In this version there will be a section called Algeria window, With short films made by Algerian filmmakers.

The only condition to be able to participate as a festival spectator is to become a user on the OctoberTv platform. The films will be available until November 10.


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