Geothermal Energy – Ministry of Science and Innovation allocates $125 million to aid geothermal energy

Geothermal Energy – Ministry of Science and Innovation allocates 5 million to aid geothermal energy

The Spanish geothermal platform (Geoplat) held its annual assembly to make calls for assistance that geothermal energy may be eligible for. “The great interest generated by this renewable energy source among those called to lead the country’s energy transition has been confirmed,” he said at the meeting. The overall feeling is one of hope: “We have high hopes for the years to come, and we know that this decade will be a before and after for the sector in Spain,” said Margherita de Gregorio, Geoblatt coordinator. One of the strategic actions of the Ministry of Science and Innovation is to promote cooperation between the public and private sectors in research and innovation, a measure that has been contemplated both in the State R&D Plan + 1 2021-2023 and in the Recovery Mechanism and the European Union Flexibility. In this sense, the most important call for assistance from the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) is the “Science and Innovation Missions”, with a budget of 125 million euros, which opened this week.

Marianne Ferret, Head of the Scientific and Technical Thematic Programs of the State Research Agency: “The goal is to be a country that promotes science, research, development and innovation as an essential element for enhancing productivity and employment, modernizing and transforming production, social and environmental processes, so that technology and innovation reach the entire territory and all people, to benefit from Potential and opportunities of knowledge applied to social, economic and regional cohesion”

There are also several NextGenerationEU aid programs with European funding. On the one hand, in the rehabilitation of housing and urban renewal, and on the other hand, in the dissemination and integration of renewable energies. explained Maite Fernandez de Ritana, a hydroelectric, geothermal and environmental management technician from the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE).

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