Germany is confident that the G7 will reach a tax agreement that will “change the world”

Germany is confident that the G7 will reach a tax agreement that will “change the world”

German Finance Minister Olaf Schulz was optimistic on Saturday G7 economies A comprehensive tax deal could “change the world” and help pay off debts accumulated during the pandemic.

The G7 Economy and Finance Ministers –United Kingdom, Germany, United States, France, Canada, Italy and JapanIn addition to the European Union concluding today a two-day meeting in London that focused, among other things, on reforming the global tax system.

In a statement to the BBC, Schulze expressed his “full confidence” that the G7 would agree corporate tax And that 15% as a minimum can help deal with debt.

Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid and Catalonia, the autonomous communities with the highest spending on health for the virus in the first year of the pandemic

Javier G Jorne Dario Ojeda

If an agreement is reached, “this will help the countries we live in to finance their missions, especially after the Covid crisis and all the money we are spending, to Defending the health of the population and defending the economyThe minister added.

This meeting, ahead of next week’s Leaders Summit in Cornwall (southwest England), is also looking for solutions The challenges of the digital economy And strengthening the role of financial markets in combating the climate crisis.

If the global tax agreement succeeds, Still to be evaluated by the G20 and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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