Health and Wellness | Mask Use – Local Police News about Mexico and the World | Sun Hermosillo

Health and Wellness |  Mask Use – Local Police News about Mexico and the World |  Sun Hermosillo

Last week, according to the daily conference on the epidemic, we won with a green traffic light (?), But what does it mean that Sonora has a green traffic light? Is it time to lower your guard?

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During these months we learned important lessons that can save lives, one of which is the widespread use of face masks, which is an effective, economical, easy-to-implement, risk-free strategy for users and widely followed. Estimates that inform the number of casualties; In addition to the ability to reduce the severity of the clinical picture in the event of infection by reducing the viral load.

The main route of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is through contact with droplets or aerosols released from an infected person through breathing or talking; In this context, the mask acts as a barrier with different degrees of efficiency, depending on the substance of the barrier in question, and any consideration focused on questioning its effectiveness puts human lives at real risk.

Estimates of the impact of their widespread use place medical grade masks (three surgical layers) and N95 respirators as the most efficient in reducing the risk of transmission, in addition, calculations have been made indicating the benefit of protection from the use of a face mask. Of face masks made of household materials such as cloth; It is important to note that the efficiency of this intervention depends not only on the type of mask used, but also on the number of people using it, and hence the urgency of its widespread use.

In this context, it is important to note that it must be used appropriately; In Mexico, a large number of people do not use it, however, about half of those who use it, do so incorrectly, because they only cover their mouths, and take it off to talk on the phone or with other people, bring it at the level of the chin or neck or adjust it constantly with their fingers ; All of these improper uses of the mask are potentially dangerous, because if there is exposure to SARS-CoV-2, those who wear it incorrectly are at risk of infection. Therefore, its use is not sufficient but it must be done properly.

Among the reasons cited by critics of mask use is that they ignore its use as a useful tool because it does not provide complete protection against infection; Others refer to problems with oxygenation, deteriorating basal conditions or an encroachment on their individual freedoms.

It is interesting to see the perspective through which in this denial, they, with their representatives in various sectors of society, from government leaders and pop-culture artists to actors of the Scientific Union, present arguments drawn from incomplete, pseudo-scientific, apt, and anecdotal. data. , Outdated and out of context, similar to what vaccine groups have.

In contrast, in other areas where the use of masks had better results in its implementation, attenuation in circulation of SARS-CoV-2, as well as the seasonal influenza virus, has been reported, meaning a significant reduction in the number of infections and deaths.

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We are in our hands to continue prevention measures that have proven effective in containing all respiratory viruses, such as physical spacing, hand hygiene and general use of face masks.

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