How do we eat well and healthily on a budget, according to Harvard? Uno TV
if you think “Good food is expensive”it interests you, because Harvard university From the United States a series of Strategies to get Good food on a low budget.
Strategies for good eating on a budget
According to Harvard University, making foodNutrients can be cheaper than you think Save on food purchases It’s not just about finding items for sale or buying cheap, but also Avoid impulse buying Because of the temptation to advertise food or shop on an empty stomach and not waste food. So he suggests:
1. Plan some meals
According to experts Plan what to prepare to eat in the following days It can help to create grocery list based on specific ingredients and not just junk items.
2. Consider eating meat-free meals
Plant proteins are very nutritious Generally more affordable than meat and fish.
However, if you don’t want to just eat Fruits and vegetablesHarvard recommends Eat less meat As a base for flavoring or as a spice, with an emphasis on Vegetable proteins such as beans, beans or lentils. In this way it is possible to save costs and increase food volume, nutrition and flavour.
3. Consume filling snacks
Prefer healthy snacks that cause satiety faster. For example, choose a handful of nuts and apples instead of a bag Potato Chips.
And although nuts and apples are more expensive than French fries, the former satisfy hunger more quickly and healthily.
In fact, one study found that Unsatisfying foods make people want to eat morewhich could translate into higher food costs.
4. Don’t shop on an empty stomach
It will help to eat a piece of fruit or some nuts before entering the store Don’t buy impulsively Products with low or unnecessary nutritional value.
5. Make food last
In the event that you prefer or find some foods salesone of the options Buy extra and freeze for later use.
This can be applied to fresh meat and fish and some produce such as bananas, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, etc. Some herbs can also be dried or frozen to extend their useful life.
6. Buy unsurpassed staples
Although it may cost more up front Buy a “family size” package of products Like whole grains, lentils, and dry beans, the unit cost is often cheaper.
7. Prefer generic or private label products
exist Generic products or corporate brands They contain the same ingredients and benefits as the brand names, but at a lower cost.
This is because the generic brand spends less money on advertising and creating fancy food labels.
8. Limit the purchase of perishable products
Another way to eat well without spending a lot is to not buy more perishables than you can use in a week. It is a form Saving Money , Otherwise, you risk food spoilage and waste.
9. Use what you have
before buying more foodsHarvard suggests taking an inventory of all the foods in the kitchen twice a month, to take advantage of the produce you already have on hand Plan meals by relying on them.
10. Eat mindfully
Mindfulness practice During meals it can increase your enjoyment of food, plus you can be satisfied with smaller portions.
Otherwise, eating when distracted can lead to hunger again earlier and overeating later.
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