How do you send self-destructing messages?

How do you send self-destructing messages?

Little by little the creators of The WhatsApp It has been created a program With the incorporation of more and better tools and functions with which it can surpass its competitors.

One of the most expected and desired functions by users is the ability to send messages and images and that as soon as the recipient sees them he will destroy himself.

It must be remembered that this was a tool used by apps like cable They already own it and that thanks to the latest WhatsApp update is no longer a dream to become a reality.

How do you send self-destructing messages on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has created two tools with which you can self-destruct messages and photos you send, the first is Temporary Messages, launched in 2020, and the second, the unique multimedia screen, launched this year.

Photo: Unsplash

Temporary messages from The WhatsApp They allow messages selected by the sender to be visible only in the chat, individual or group, for 7 days, and therefore disappear after that time.

To activate this type of message, what you have to do is go into the chat, tap on the user or group name, and then select “Temporary Messages”.

By doing this, this function will be activated, so all sent messages will be deleted after 7 days.

The unique multimedia viewer is the latest improvement of WhatsApp and allows you to delete photos and videos with these settings after the recipient sees them.

If the contact to whom this type of content was sent does not see the photo or video within 14 days, they will be automatically and permanently deleted.

Although this function is very useful, WhatsApp explained that if the recipient takes a screenshot while viewing the content, they may have a copy.

To send this type of message, what you have to do is choose the multimedia file that you are going to send and then click on the number “1” that appears on the side of the text bar.

After doing this, the single multimedia viewing mode will be activated, only for that photo or video that you are going to send.

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