How to get mortgage loans in dollars and at a fixed rate in the United States?

How to get mortgage loans in dollars and at a fixed rate in the United States?

In this sense, there are companies that have the same license as traditional financial institutions and facilitate access to mortgage loans for foreigners seeking to invest in the United States. The role of these companies is to advise those interested to get the best credit according to their characteristics and needs; And act as intermediaries with the banks, which are the ones that give out the loans in the end. With an intermediary number, the process becomes simpler, as it acts as a support for banks when accepting credits.

In this way it is possible to get loans averaging between 500 thousand and 700 thousand US dollars, although it can be from 100 thousand US dollars, in installments at a fixed or variable rate. For this, there are various financing programs ranging from 50% to 80% of the property amount with an annual interest rate in dollars ranging from 3% to 3.5%. All of this makes getting credit very attractive both for buying a home to stay in, or for those looking for a property with the intention of renting it out, who bring in an average 7% dollar return with a difference depending on the area in which the property is located.

To access the credits in the US, the interested party must be able to prove liquidity in their bank accounts outside Argentina and their ability to pay to ensure they can afford the fees. Because of the economic stability and exchange rate differential, Argentines who choose these Miami loans to invest in real estate seek to ensure controlled inflation that allows them to get a more realistic idea of ​​their earnings. Argentines prefer to protect their capital in a safe and conservative investment; This is a very good way to do that.

The United States needs foreign investment and the banks are willing to disburse millions of dollars in mortgages to help the country grow and strengthen. In Florida alone, last year $8 billion was generated for international clients. Between August 2020 and September 2021, Canadians, Colombians and Argentines in that order were the most invested, a trend that has adjusted, with Argentines now taking first place in investments there, especially in Miami. According to estimates, Argentines invest approximately $3 billion annually in the purchase of real estate throughout Florida. One of the main reasons for this is a more in-demand destination: lower tax rates by nearly 2% per year.

Co-Founder of Qkapital.

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