India: Medical student implants Bluetooth device to cheat on final exam

India: Medical student implants Bluetooth device to cheat on final exam

medical student in India A university official said he underwent a test after being accused of cheating on a small Bluetooth device he believed had been surgically implanted in his ear.

It was the student’s last attempt on Monday to pass the exam after repeatedly failing since entering college 11 years ago.

Dr Sanjay Dixit, Dean of the University’s College of Medicine, said: independent that a private medical student was taking an exam at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College of Medicine when he was found with a mobile phone in his inner pants pocket connected to a Bluetooth device.

But they were unable to recover the Bluetooth device during the search of the student, whose name the university did not announce.

“I was taking my GP exam on Monday with 13 other people when a university team from Devi Ahilya Bai University went into a surprise examination and found a student with a mobile phone and another with a Bluetooth device,” said Dr. Dixit.

“The packages were seized and their answer sheets were confiscated. They were given new answer sheets.

After questioning university officials, one of the officials allegedly said that an ear, nose and throat surgeon had put a small, skin-colored Bluetooth device in his ear, Hindustan Times newspaper.

else student He was found with a small SIM card and Bluetooth device, but told university authorities that it was not surgically inserted and can be removed with a pin.

Dr. Dixit announced to independent That the students intentionally hid these devices because they were required to provide all electronic items to the supervisors.

The university’s examination committee launched an internal investigation into the matter and sent the devices for examination.

After the investigation is over, it will be decided whether the case merits a police suit for using unfair means in the examination, Deputy Admissions Secretary Rachna Thakur, who was with the team, told the newspaper.

“We believe these microphones were surgically placed in the students’ ears. Cases have been built against both students. The DAVV University committee will make a decision on this,” Renu Jin, deputy head of the monitoring team that discovered the students, told PTI news agency.

Students falling into the trap of mass cheating or using crafty means to avoid detection is common in India, where competition is fierce as applicants outnumber vacancies and places in colleges and universities for courses.

The state of Madhya Pradesh was caught up in a huge scandal, called the Viapam fraud, when the Supreme Court had to revoke the licenses of 634 doctors involved in it. During the scam, which spanned between 2008 and 2013, several people were arrested for their involvement in leaking exam questions, tampering with answer sheets, and hiring agents to take exams in place of the student.

Dr. Anand Rai, whistleblower of the Vyapam scam said, “It is very easy to get Bluetooth in the ears. It is attached to the ear temporarily and can be removed. Such a method was used by a fraudster accused of Vyapam to pass his medical examination eight years ago.”

In another incident that grabbed local and international headlines, several parents and relatives of students were filmed climbing the walls of the school in 2015 as police watched the Bihar mass cheating case unfold. The photos went viral, hundreds were arrested, including some parents, and at least 750 students were expelled.

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