International Day of Grandparents: A public indulgence session for the elderly and the faithful

International Day of Grandparents: A public indulgence session for the elderly and the faithful

Apostolic Reformation Decree regarding the granting of the plenary indulgence on the occasion of the World Day of Grandparents and Elders.

Vatican City

By accepting the Apostolic Prison Petition made by Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, Dicastry President for Laity, Family and Life, on the occasion of the First World Day of Grandparents and Elders, “Blowing Goodness out of the Church’s Heavenly Treasure general indulgenceIn the usual circumstances (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion, prayer according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff), for grandparents, seniors and all believers who participated on July 25, 2021, motivated by the true spirit of penance and love. On the occasion of the first World Day of Grandparents and Seniors, in the solemn celebration presided over by the Blessed Father Francis in the Papal Church of the Vatican or in the various works to be held throughout the world, which may also be applied as a vote of the soul in Purgatory

Tolerance with the elderly and those who visit them

In the decree, this Court of Mercy also grants on the same day a general indulgence to believers who will devote sufficient time to visit their older brethren in actual or actual need or difficulty (eg sick, abandoned, handicapped and the like). A general indulgence may also be granted to elderly patients and to all those who cannot leave the house for a serious reason, provided that they abstain from every sin and intend to fulfill the three usual conditions as soon as possible, will join spiritually in the sacred work of the world day, offering the prayers, the afflictions and the pains of his life Above all, while the Pope’s sayings and ceremonies are broadcast on television and radio, but also on new social media.

Ministry of Mercy and Forgiveness

This decree is valid for the first World Grandparents and Seniors Day, regardless of any text to the contrary. For this reason, in order to facilitate access to divine forgiveness through the keys of the Church, through pastoral charity, this prison earnestly entreats the priests, having the proper capacities to hear the confession, to be available, in a voluntary and generous spirit, to celebrate penance.

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