Isabel Diaz Ayuso has already returned from the United States: we have a situation

Isabel Diaz Ayuso has already returned from the United States: we have a situation

When I think of the President of the Community of Madrid as a communicative and political phenomenon, I naturally do so in light of Lauren Berlant, theorist anomaly and cultural critic, author of, among other texts, cruel optimism. Under this name, Berlant called those psychological or structural dynamics that cause people to lean toward things, objects, or projects that actually harm and weaken us.

The dedication of the electorate of Madrlini to be the most arrogant, arrogant, rude and uncomplicated president in twenty-five years of the popular regime is the result of the operationalization of this mechanism. Its maker and chief operator – as everyone knows, although some took a long time to make it happen – Miguel Angel Rodriguez, a communications expert who found in Ayuso a creature tailored to his ambitions. And in the same way that she must have found in him a mentor capable of providing her with the superpowers the president hopes – and probably will – to make the leap into national politics without sowing the chaos she has been sowing since this summer.

By the way, curly hair conveys youth and vitality, closes and gives a touch of rebellion. The daring, rebellious and unapologetic right-winger is headquartered in Madrid and bears the name Queen. You can’t be cooler than.

Which is that the business entity of Miguel Angel Rodriguez and Isabel Díaz Ayuso has spawned a voracious and unstoppable political tool for a political age that rewards fraud, fierce individualism, and underperformance. Ayuso doesn’t miss any nonsense. I can imagine Rodriguez’s advice: “You don’t filter, Isabel, that all is well for the monastery; the important thing is that they talk about you, that they get to know you, that they know you can.”

And the chief is naturally obedient – the private and religious school inculcates the obedience of the monastery – he is disheveled. Every time he utters one of his provocations or foolish things, he seems to end up with what at the time? Can’t I say or do this gigantic bullshit just because I want to? It is nothing but the equivalent of the desire for absolute power, that is, the desire for power. Isabel Diaz Ayuso loves salad very much; Get it, show off your possession. Isabel Diaz Ayuso loves him – and sexually arouses her. It shows – being a boss.

Every attack on the leader of the opposition – Monica Garcia, from Mas Madrid – is an act of force and arrogance. Garcia even made his hair look ugly. Ayuso’s hair can be stylish, and it seems Garcia can’t. The President does not hesitate to show herself, with particular insistence in the Council of Madrid, as the class bully, the most popular (ups), which others fear, envy and adore. She is the boss and Monica Garcia is not. You can, Monica Garcia can’t. García will be a mother and a doctor – Ayuso makes the politics of Mas Madrid ugly with these qualities – but the president is a conceited García. Ha.

The lack of empathy is the other side of the coin for this somewhat power-focused, robotic narcissist. In his own words: “I don’t manage emotions.” She did not specify, when she made these statements, that she deals only with those she herself provokes. Those he manages, by the way, with solvency. In fact, the President of Madrid, who has not approved the budget at this point in the legislature – and has not previously – does not devote herself to anything else. All this display of rudeness evokes a kind of optimism in an arrogant and seduced electorate that if she could, maybe they could too. Isabel Diaz Ayuso is, above all, an ambitious political tool. To vote for her is to want – to some extent – to be like her. But no one can be like her, who is the only one and the best (“Monica, what are you doing to your hair; who do you think you are?”), so her authoritarian ways undermine democracy, a system in which we should all be able to…let’s not We say anything about your project, far from the needs and interests of the social majority. The political project of the popular system in Madrid is harmful because it is fraudulent and cruel.

I used the Berlantian notion of ruthless optimism in an earlier article to explain Ayuso’s landslide victory in the recent regional elections, which is still called an epidemic, organized as a rite of reverence for his character, and which thus came to embody the coronation – and to some extent, the necessary correction of the popular system in Madrid. A resounding conclusion to twenty-five years of corruption, looting and public dismemberment in order to promote a project under which Madrid will become a global logistics hub; Territory for the business of large multinational corporations, eagle funds, friends past, present and future. Kike Sarasola and Nacho Cano “of a lifetime”.

For a large part of the citizens, Madrid began to acquire sandy tints; Frustration spreads and only an indescribable ray of hope illuminates this very ocher horizon. If Ayuso eliminates Pablo Casado and manages to force his candidacy at the head of the People’s Party in the next general election, the citizens of Madrid will rest a little, and perhaps we will have a breather. Maybe Telemadrid will once again be everyone’s TV; Closed primary care centers may reopen; Perhaps the protocols that allow Madrid women to go to public abortions will be activated; Participatory, inclusive and democratic cultural policies may be promoted; Could…

Of course, what if Ayuso wins some generals? in a yosu world Designed by Miguel Angel Rodriguez and the President lives nicely, everything is well connected and connected. I want an international show, because I’m dealing with indigenous people – “the important thing is they talk about you, Isabel” – and by the way, I call in Hernán Cortes, with whom I am working to pave the way towards the campaign slogan that is to come: We need Spain to be great again and with Isabel, who associates with Spanish imperial traditions even by name, we are sure to make it happen. Put it aside, Abascal, and bury the Place de Liseau in one go. Our imperial past is named after a woman and our future as well. Spain will soon own her queen. Oh!

You will object that Ayuso has not yet applied. You’ll think I’m swinging. you are right. Yet some of us feel there is a “status” here.

In a text published in 2008, Lauren Berlant describes a situation as “a situation in which something potentially important in the future unfolds in the midst of the usual flow of life.”*. Isabel Diaz Ayuso returns from her North American tour – two eagle-money snacks and a press conference with Spanish media – live to her party’s national convention. This is done by uploading a file a file Filled with images of her walking resolute and carefree, dressed elegantly, happily curling in the wind through the streets of an American city, which could be San Sebastian de los Reyes, because Madrid is Spain within Spain.

* Reflecting on historical feeling, emotion, space and society 1(1), 2008

I’d like to thank writer Sylvia Nanclaris for making me notice the “Curly” chair.

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