ISSSTE resumes consultations in family medicine – local news, police, around Mexico and the world | Southern California

ISSSTE resumes consultations in family medicine – local news, police, around Mexico and the world |  Southern California

La Paz, Baja California Sur, (OEM-Informex). – Due to the change in the epidemiological traffic light that puts Baja California Sur on yellow alert, the ISSSTE representation in Baja California Sur is announcing modifications in some of its procedures, such as filling in prescriptions and family medicine consultations.

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Dr. Jorge Arturo Mesa Manriquez, Director of the La Paz Family Medicine Clinic, located on the streets of Nicolas Bravo and Avenue of Mexico, reported that as of Monday March 8, 2021, the call center will be inaugurated by number 55 4000 1000 for the schedule. Family medicine consultations, because the yellow traffic light allows more capacity within the health institutions, as it is an essential service.

On the other hand, the doctor said that the system for filling prescriptions by phone (612-122 8972) or by e-mail ([email protected]) will remain valid for all people of seventy years and over, and for people with disabilities. Other beneficiaries should schedule a consultation by phone number 55 4000 1000 or through The ISSSTE website on the Actions and Programs tab, To your physician to write your prescription.

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All persons, without exception, must adhere to the health protocol that consists of: carrying their updated card, waiting for their turn, cleaning their hands with gel, cleaning their shoes, and allowing their temperature to be measured.

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