‘It feels like another planet’: Why the World Cup has sparked frustration among Chinese as they experience a new record number of virus cases in their country

‘It feels like another planet’: Why the World Cup has sparked frustration among Chinese as they experience a new record number of virus cases in their country
  • Kerry Allen
  • BBC Monitoring

image source, Reuters

Chinese state media pays close attention to the World Cup as the matches fuel the frustration of the country’s people who have been left out of the festivities.

In addition to the Chinese team’s failure to qualify for the event, scenes of maskless parties and large gatherings in Qatar angered spectators, who were discouraged from gathering to watch matches.

Many have taken advantage of the World Cup to complain online about China’s current strategies against the coronavirus. The country maintains a “no spread of the virus” policy, in which entire communities are locked down due to isolated cases of the virus, in order to prevent its spread.

China registered this week The largest number of daily cases cOvid since the beginning of the epidemic, Despite the drastic measures. Several major cities, including the capital Beijing and southern commercial epicenter Guangzhou, are experiencing outbreaks.

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