Joe Biden throws a “stone” on Donald Trump with this tweet and this photo – Uno TV

Joe Biden throws a “stone” on Donald Trump with this tweet and this photo – Uno TV
The President of the United States, Joe Biden, confirmed the return of diplomacy. Photo: AFP

“Everyone is in the water!” Suspension Joe Biden, President of the United States, in the traditional image of the G7 summitHeld near the beach this year, it sets a more subtle diplomatic tone than that of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

In this sense, and through his official account on Twitter, Joe Biden Share it with G7 where he threw a “stone” at his predecessor, Since he added the phrase: “Diplomacy is back” (Diplomacy is back).

On his first trip abroad, the US president plays a role he knows all too well, a diplomat less unpredictable and less aggressive and red-carpet-obsessed than his predecessor.

  • After four years of protest, Joe conveys calm and represents “A breath of fresh air,” in the words of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Joe Biden knows his allies will need it More than just good words and his promise that “America will come back” to erase mistrust of the world’s leading power and questions about the future of American democracy.

Currently, In the charming Corniche countrysideAt the start of an eight-day tour that will also take him to Brussels and Geneva, Biden remains cautious.

The “old lion” of US politics wasn’t very comfortable in Zoom lectures but now he enjoys personal interactions.

  • The oldest American president in history from Donald Trump, nicknamed “Sleepy Joe”, has so far silenced criticism about her lack of vitality and questions about her health.

He appears as a laid-back person and on the eve of the summit is depicted in white sneakers, sitting on a balcony overlooking the sea with his wife Jill.

His long political career depends on contact, both in Washington and on the international stage (he traveled the world as Vice President Barack Obama).

In the G7, Joe Biden is on favorable ground because Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron They were criticized for their stormy Republican predecessor.

  • Each of his words and gestures offer a stark contrast to Donald Trump’s first trip to Europe, in May 2017, at the NATO summit in Brussels and then at the G7 in Sicily.

The image of the then head of the world’s first country pushing the young Prime Minister of Montenegro into the front row left indelible marks.

  • at present, Joe Biden He can boast that he has restored, at least temporarily, the image of his country abroad.

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