Justice orders the lifting of the siege on the home of the opposition, Bobby Wayne | The world | America edition

Justice orders the lifting of the siege on the home of the opposition, Bobby Wayne |  The world |  America edition

The High Court in Kampala today ordered the immediate withdrawal of the Ugandan armed forces who had been keeping opposition leader Bobby Wayne in lockdown at his home since January 16, when he rejected the official results of the recent presidential election.

Judge Michael Elobo ruled that “the indefinite detention of the (wine) plaintiff is illegal and as a result violates his personal freedom.”

In Efe’s phone statements, Wine’s political spokesman, Joel Cignoni, welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision – responding to a formal lawsuit against the Ugandan state filed by Wayne’s lawyers last week – as a “clear sign that our claim was true: the wine was being held against his will.” .

At a press conference in Kampala, Ugandan police spokesman Fred Inanga confirmed for his part that the security forces would obey the judge’s orders, but insisted that they would “continue to monitor” the wine to ensure “no law is broken” and to ensure national security.

While opposition defenders, led by Midard Siguna, accused the Ugandan state of “unlawfully detaining their client”, state attorneys defended the blockade as a preventive measure to prevent “riots” across the country.

On Monday, Wayne denounced in telephone statements to Efe that hundreds of soldiers did not allow anyone to enter or leave their residence, about 15 kilometers north of the Ugandan capital.

Even his legal team or his aides have not been able to get to the house yet, although his food reserves are running out.

In the January 14 elections, Yoweri Kagota Museveni, President of Uganda since 1986, was re-elected to a sixth term with 58.64% of the vote, while Bobby Wayne received 34.83% of the vote, according to published results. By the country’s High Electoral Commission.

However, Wayne described these elections as “the most fraudulent in Ugandan history” and called on Ugandans and the international community to reject President Museveni’s victory.

Thanks to his dissenting speeches, which seek the unity of all Ugandans to defeat the president-elect system at the polls, this musician who grew up in a modest neighborhood has millions of supporters.

On the other hand, Museveni remains popular in many rural areas, with many voters continuing to view him as the only president able to lead a country into such a turbulent past.

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