“Knowledge should be the fourth force, and more in situations where our survival is at stake.”

“Knowledge should be the fourth force, and more in situations where our survival is at stake.”

The Democracies They present a paradox that ends in a serious problem. The Coronavirus disease It showed that the severity and mortality rate of the virus had grown dramatically depending on the alternate politician it had to administer pandemic. This results in general lines that are more destructive in democratic countries than in dictatorial countries.

This is due to several factors. Most obvious, of course, is the ease of imposition Restrictions Freedoms in the context of dictatorships. But there are other variables besides that that I consider more decisive: first, the heavy reliance on The economic activity And vulnerability to pressure from pressure groups within capitalist systems. The second is the subordination of the political leader and his subordination to the party, the electoral interest, and the polls.

Third, bypass the level Political class A reflection of the social processes of childhood. Democracies have been underestimated, and voters are rewarded for stupidity, zero, and immediacy. Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson, Narendra Modi (India). To a foolish judgment, then biology It responded with a more dangerous and infectious formula. That is why we should not be talking about the Brazilian, California, British or Indian alternative. The appropriate thing is to talk about the “Trump variable”, the “Bolsonaro variable”, Johnson, Moody …

All we see with this pandemic is a precursor to what is to come Climatic scale If we do not correct certain things. I do not want to be construed as being anti-democratic. No way. Democracy must be inalienable, but the traditional division of the Three powers It has to include a fourth force of empowerment The scientific community Draw red lines for politicians and judges when our survival is at stake.

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