La Tunas uses science to improve customer service › Cuba › Granma

La Tunas uses science to improve customer service › Cuba › Granma

The Cuban Telecom Company (Etecsa) in La Tunas has developed a new computer system called Gesco, an invention that simplifies the services of the said entity and improves customer service in commercial offices.

According to Newspaper 26, the product reduces the waiting time in queues, because in a similar way to the branches of Cuban banks, it shows users through the order screen and which window or executive they should go to when receiving the corresponding ticket.

The system allows salespeople to anticipate customer data and actions, which makes it possible to save time in management. It also has a questionnaire for users to express their satisfaction and concerns with the service.

Gesco adds another way to measure the individual effort of workers and the collective outcome of brigade and commercial unit heads; This is expected to improve the internal mechanisms of stimulation or simulation.

With this technological innovation, Etecsa Las Tunas continues to improve its benefits for the benefit of the population. In this sense, as of the end of September, payment through a QR code for products and services has begun in Telepuntos, in addition, it is being implemented as an alternative to avoid congestion with reservations through the call center for a share of offers in freely convertible currency.

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