Macri snatches microphone from journalist before hearing on charges of illegal espionage, then apologizes (video)

Macri snatches microphone from journalist before hearing on charges of illegal espionage, then apologizes (video)


November 4, 2021 02:15 GMT

The media denounced the former Argentine president for “theft, damage and aggression”, and was rejected by the Buenos Aires Press Syndicate for his “contempt for the journalistic work”.

Former Argentine President Mauricio Macri apologized on Wednesday after snatching the microphone from a C5N journalist, upon entering a hearing where he was forced to testify about the cause of illegal spying against the families of the victims of the ARA San Juan submarine, which sunken. in 2017.

His critics considered Macri’s reaction an act against freedom of the press, while the aforementioned media, which criticize his government and ally with the ruling party, denounced him because “Theft, damage and assault”And Pick up local media.

The former president said from his Twitter account, after press entities and political reviewers denied his gesture.

The complaint was submitted to the Dolores Police Station, Buenos Aires Province, by journalist Nicholas Monavo, who suffer The attack came when he was trying to ask Macri if he would testify before Judge Martin Bava.

On the other hand, the Buenos Aires Press Association (SiPreBA) repudiated the position of the former president and pointed out that “Contempt for journalism cannot be naturalized or tolerated”.

“We demand respect for free practice and the merit of our mission,” they added.

Regarding the judicial hearing next Wednesday, Macri said Foot Speech and refusal to testify in the case of the investigation into the alleged illegal espionage of relatives of crew members of the Ara San Juan submarine, which sank in November 2017 along with 44 crew members.

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