Maduro reveals ‘Trump’s best hidden secrets’ – El Financiero

Maduro reveals ‘Trump’s best hidden secrets’ – El Financiero

Donald TrumpThe former president of the United States, was about to change his country’s policy with Venezuela if he won re-election, President Nicolas Maduro said Friday in an exclusive interview with Bloomberg.

The Venezuelan president explained that there was contact with Trump’s team even from the same day the businessman was sworn in as president, in January 2017.

“The current Vice President, Delcy Rodriguez (…) has met many people close to Donald Trump, and since then we have maintained communication in various ways,” he said.

Maduro commented that he was about to meet Trump in United Nations General AssemblyIn September 2018. Everything seemed set for the meeting until it was called off, according to the Venezuelan president, due to pressure from John Bolton and other officials.

“If we had met, the story would have been different,” he declared.

Dialogue efforts with the former US president continued in the following years, and there was contact between the Maduro and Trump teams in Mexico City.

According to Maduro, the former US president was “fed up” with the strategy of supporting Juan Guaido, whom the US authorities have so far recognized as the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

All (our contacts with the United States) confirmed that If Donald Trump wins the electionI was going to change policy on Venezuela. That he was weary of Juan Guaido, who disowned Juan Guaido and thought he had failed. John Bolton and others forced him to follow those policies that made him fail. This was the message they were always giving us privatelyConfirmed in the 85-minute interview with Bloomberg TV.

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