Mexico will face the Asian teams no later than November, FIFA

Mexico will face the Asian teams no later than November, FIFA

El Tri del Tata Martino will enter another round in Europe on FIFA date in November, where they will face Asian teams in friendly duels.

Mexico – In Mexican national team He will play two friendly Asian matches, South Korea s Japan, In the history of FIFA in November.

“Among the teams that will make us grow and because of the limited ability to play with them, there is always an elite from Europe, Asia and Africa, I am sure they will form two teams that will be nice competitors in November,” he said. Gerardo Martineau, Technical Mexican national team.

Since his arrival at the leadership of Tre, the Argentine coach has proposed matches against world powers. Until now , The tricolor From Martineau’s nanny It can boast of matches against Argentina, the Netherlands, Algeria, the African champion and Japan, With South Korea, Who will face in Austria.

The two parties will represent a new round in Mexico to Europe. Initially, the possibility that the match would be against the New Zealand representative was dealt with, but eventually the commitments were closed with Japan s South Korea.

Under supervision MartineauMexico lost only one game, to Argentina, and performed well against the Netherlands, one of the strongest competitors they have faced. The next test is Algeria, which only Tricolor has faced on one occasion, and will close the year to Japan and South Korea.

The pandemic allowed Tricolor to travel to Europe, as that freed them from the obligation to play five matches in the United States a year, and that contract would resume once people can return to real estate in a country. Stars and lines.

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