‘My time has not come yet’: Madagascar minister crashes helicopter into sea and reaches shore after swimming for 12 hours

‘My time has not come yet’: Madagascar minister crashes helicopter into sea and reaches shore after swimming for 12 hours


December 22, 2021 02:28 GMT

This is the Minister of State for the Gendarmerie, Serge Gillet, 57, who was heading this Tuesday with other officials to the site of a shipwreck when the plane crash occurred.

A Madagascar government minister was forced to swim for 12 hours in the sea to reach shore, after an armed forces helicopter he was traveling in crashed off the country’s northeastern coast, while flying to the site of a shipwreck, authorities said.

It is about the Minister of State for the Gendarmerie, Serge Guelleh, 57, who this Tuesday swam to The coastal town of Mahambo. Next to him, was another official have found Also later alive. Although they were not seriously injured, they were taken to a hospital in the city of Toamasina. Orange Madagascar.

In a video posted by the Ministry of National Defense on Twitter, Gilet can be seen lying on a deck chair in a uniform. “My time has not come yet,” says the senior official who confirms it It’s just cold.

On Monday, Gilet flew by helicopter with other people to inspect where a cargo ship had crashed. The ship, which was not authorized to transport people, was carrying 130 passengers from the city of Antanaambi to Suanirana Ivongo. According to the latest data provided by the police, the sinking of the ship left at least 21 people dead, while 60 people were reported missing, according to the details. France Press agency.

currently, sign The search is for two other people who were in the helicopter as well as possible survivors of the wreckage. On his part, President of the State Andrey Rajoelina said: pass My condolences for the two accidents your support Geely and the other official who survived the crash.

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