National exercises 2021, September 19: when, how and where the second earthquake exercise will be carried out | Government of Mexico | What is National Training Day? | Civil protection | CDMX | MX | United States | USA | Mexico

National exercises 2021, September 19: when, how and where the second earthquake exercise will be carried out |  Government of Mexico |  What is National Training Day?  |  Civil protection |  CDMX |  MX |  United States |  USA |  Mexico

Please pay attention to the following information. exercises It should be considered an essential part of our learning, which will help us face the tremors we experience in each of the As in the other states of the republic. For this reason, at Depor we will tell you all about these new exercises, which will take place on September 19.

In 2017, right after the national exercises were held and everyone was back to their daily activities, Mexico was hit by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake at 1:14 pm (local time). The epicenter of the earthquake was on the border of the states of Puebla and Morelos, 120 kilometers from Mexico City.

Accordingly, the importance of all exercises was recalled, so they should not be taken lightly and recommendations should be followed, in order to avoid disasters and quickly respond to emergencies.

Which states from Mexico will participate in the earthquake exercises?

The second national exercise will begin at 11:30 am (local time), and its goal is to “Design evacuation routes and choose a meeting point in case of emergency“.

In total, 24 states of the Republic of Mexico will conduct the second national exercises:

  • Northern Baja California
  • Baja California Sur
  • Campeche
  • Mexico City
  • Chiapas
  • Chihuahua
  • Coahuila
  • Durango
  • State of Mexico
  • Guerrero
  • hidalgo
  • Jalisco
  • Michoacan
  • new lion
  • Puebla
  • Quintana Rogue
  • San Luis Potosi
  • Sinaloa
  • sonora
  • Tamaulipas
  • Tlaxcala
  • Veracruz
  • Yucatan
  • Zacatecas

It should be noted that the seismic warning will be issued in only eight states: Chiapas, Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Guerrero, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla and Tlaxcala.

How to register for the second national exercise?

In order to be part of the second national exercise, you must access the following webpage: . Remember that you must register no later than September 18th.

A step to follow before, during and after the second national exercise

You need to know what to do before exercising. First of all, you will have to determine your own exit route and have your most important things on hand, whether it be papers, ID cards or even your pet.

As soon as the exercise begins, you will have to remain calm, do not run, do not push and do not scream, because they teach in schools. You should pay attention to all indications.

Once you are done, you will have to wait for employees or a family member to inspect your home for cracks or anything that could put their lives at risk. Of course, remember to keep a healthy distance, and go out with a mask and mask, to be extra protected.

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