Netflix talks about the future of “Jenny and Georgia”

Netflix talks about the future of “Jenny and Georgia”

League Jenny and Georgia It premiered on Netflix on February 24. Given that the platform usually makes decisions about renewing or canceling news with consumption data for the first four weeks, then managers took time to announce their judgment. And what was it? The Miller family will have a second season.

The series is kind of a more dramatic and disturbing version of the Gilmore girls. Created by Sarah Lambert, it focuses on a mother and daughter who are used to navigating, escaping from their pasts, and trying to live a more stable life by settling in a quiet New England town. But mother, Georgia (Brian Howe) will soon discover that the past finds you easily, while the daughter, Jenny (Antonia Gentry), realizes that she is not ready to lead a normal life as she would like.

Netflix claims that 52 million families watched the lives of Jenny and Georgia, a mother and daughter who used to flee the past and settle in a peaceful town.

The reason for revamping the series’ alleged audience characters According to Netflix, a total of 52 million households watched the series in the first 28 days on the catalog. Its consumption has been particularly prominent in markets such as the United States, Australia, Kenya, and Brazil. But, as we always warn, these audiences should be treated with caution: they are not audited numbers and all Netflix accounts that have seen content count for at least 2 minutes.

A video has been announced on social media where you can watch the cast led by Gentry and Howey celebrate the renewal in a tone that makes Netflix’s goal clear: Maybe the series has very dark spots (Ginny burns her leg when she’s frustrated) but they also want it to be a welcoming place for the crowd with Various members of the new community that Jenny and Georgia live in.

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Executive Producer Debra J. Fisher and Creator Sarah Lambert released a statement thanking the main actresses for the end result: “We deeply appreciate the wonderful response and love they have shown toward Jenny and Georgia. Above all we are grateful to Brian and Tony, who put the tape as high as possible in every step of the way.” .

But during the first season airing, the series did not give up its share of controversy. In the season finale episode, she slammed another character for changing “Men Are Faster Than Taylor Swift”. The singer did not agree to the comment and became disgusted on social networks, accusing the series of being “deeply sexist” and that there is no need to insult the “working women” like her.

As a result, both the series and actress Antonia Gentry, who plays the character who launched the phrase, received a social media boycott from Taylor Swift’s most extreme fans. Fortunately for those who have fun Jenny and GeorgiaThis controversy remained an anecdote, and Netflix customers saw it as equal so it was renewed for a second season.

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