No Gornada – Biden promised that things would get better on the border and in the economy

No Gornada – Biden promised that things would get better on the border and in the economy

New York. On Thursday, President Joe Biden confirmed, in his first official press conference since his arrival at the White House, that “things will improve” in the coming weeks on the border with Mexico, especially with the palace. Doubled his initial goal to 200 million vaccines in his first 100 days in office; He expressed optimism about the development of the economy. He stressed that the global struggle in the twenty-first century is between “democracy and tyranny,” and declared that his desire is to “change the paradigm” to benefit workers, not just the wealthy.

But perhaps the most striking thing about the session that lasted just over an hour on its 65th day in the White House was a return to normality without exclusion, false statements or insults against Mexicans or Asians or against journalists, and even – due to political action. Relatively few, and even some, startling “I don’t know” lies four years after Biden’s predecessor did the exact opposite.

At the same time, it was striking that there was not a single question about the topic that dominated the past year, which is the epidemic, although Biden began his speech by announcing the achievement of the goal of exceeding 100 million vaccinations and thus for the sake of doubling this goal in the first 100 days. Him in the post.

Many of the questions to Biden focused on the situation on the border with Mexico. “Nothing has changed” since his arrival at the White House, he confirmed in response to a question whether his role in politics had fueled the flow of immigrants, as the same increase occurred with his predecessor Donald Trump, and it is a seasonal phenomenon that records an increase. Every winter. He said they would not come “because I am good people,” as there have been similar increases with Trump. “And is there anyone suggesting that it was because he was a good guy doing good things on the border?”

In immigration, turn to basic problems

He stressed that the way to deal with the phenomenon was “the way we did when I was vice president: put together a bipartisan plan of more than $ 700 million to address the problems behind people leaving their countries”, and indicated that he has now appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to pursue the goals of the same program. .

He noted that Trump canceled those funds, in addition to dismantling several programs to serve unaccompanied children, asylum seekers, and others. “So we are trying to rebuild the system,” he said.

He reiterated that the borders are not open and that the vast majority of migrants who arrive and try to cross return, like the vast majority of families. “We are trying with Mexico to decide that it wants to accept more of these families,” noting that it was not possible at the present time to expel more people, because Mexico “refuses to accept their return.”

He explained that with unaccompanied minors – 70 percent of them are between 16 and 17 years old – they are no longer expelled as was the case with their predecessors, and children are not separated from their parents or left alone at the border. He emphasized that the immediate challenge is to transfer them as quickly as possible from border guard posts, where they are in “unacceptable” conditions, to place them with their relatives or in the health department buildings, where there are safe and healthy conditions. With staff trained to serve them.

Faced with recurring questions about whether he believed his role in immigration policies and canceling executive orders of his predecessor was too hasty, Biden stated that past policies solved nothing and that he “will not apologize” for canceling policies to separate children from their mothers, unlike stays in Mexico or those that It had a negative impact on laws “like human dignity.”

On other domestic issues, Biden showed greater eagerness when he denounced the “sick” and “anti-American” initiatives to suppress or block the citizen’s vote, which Republican politicians have promoted in several states, and promised to do everything necessary to stop them.

And he celebrated that since the imposition of his economic bailout package, most projections point to growth of up to 6 percent of GDP this year and that the number of people applying for unemployment benefits is lower than pre-pandemic levels due to the first time. He stated that the message is “Help is here, hope is on the way.”

Biden indicated that the next major initiative of his government will be the reconstruction of national infrastructure, and stressed that the United States now ranks thirteenth in the world in this area. He added that China is investing three times the United States in infrastructure and that the country’s “future” depends on that. He emphasized that this great initiative is not just an urgent investment, but will provide good jobs and at the same time will have to integrate responses to the climate change crisis.

With regard to foreign policy, he answered questions about the relationship with China, reminding him that he knows President Xi Jinping well, who assured him that the United States does not want confrontation, but wants to compete, and that China will insist on “playing by international rules.” He added that the Asian nation intends to “become the leading country in the world,” but “that will not happen” under the Biden government, because the United States “will continue to grow and expand.”

Democracy over autocracy

He noted that what is at stake in the world of the twenty-first century, outside of China, is whether democracies will prevail over authoritarian regimes.

Regarding North Korea, he said that this issue is the top priority in foreign policy and that he is ready to search for a solution through diplomacy, but the condition must be nuclear disarmament.

It has been reported that he may not be able to withdraw all US forces from Afghanistan before May 1, the date set by the previous government, but he envisions that it will be before next year.

He returned to his slogans from his election campaign, stressing that he would preserve his three purposes as president: saving “spirit and dignity” and the transparency of the American political system. Rebuilding “the backbone of the country: the middle class, the workers and those struggling to enter the middle class. Build America and the unions” and “unite the country.”

“I want to change the paradigm,” he said while celebrating the release of his economic rescue package, which provides money to ordinary people among other things, and we want to start working with a reward, not just wealth. Insurance and more. This contrasts with the package promoted by Trump when he arrived at the White House, of which 83 percent benefited the richest one. He accused Republicans of opposing the use of the budget to “save people’s lives,” but they do not complain when it is in the interest of the bigger and wealthier companies.

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