O. Fayyad, Best Supporter of Science: Graue – El Sol de Hidalgo

O. Fayyad, Best Supporter of Science: Graue – El Sol de Hidalgo

In Hidalgo, a biotechnology business accelerator, the first of its kind in the country, will be installed to contribute to the generation of knowledge that, together with the development of technologies, will provide solutions to improve the health of Mexicans and save their lives.

This was announced, yesterday, by Governor Omar Fayyad, who formalized the alliance by signing with the President of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Enrique Grauy Witchers, to accomplish this scientific mission for the benefit of health.

“From the moment I realized this need and the way in which we can meet it, I have done quickly what is necessary to strengthen this strategic and innovative cooperation that is indispensable to our country,” the governor said.

In addition, in the following months, the National Space Access Laboratory (LANAE), the Underground Laboratory (LabChico), the Monitoring Center of the National Seismological Service, the reconversion of the Tulancingo antennas for radio astronomy, and communication work in the geopark of the mining area will be carried out.

The president of the university welcomed the alliance with Hidalgo’s government, stressing that Omar Fayyad is a conservative committed to scientific research, “the proof of this is the Mexican synchrotron initiative, and the progress in the Cumarca Minera Geopark, among others. They are all far-reaching projects.”

The accelerator will be installed inside a building located in the city of knowledge and culture, on an area of ​​1,200 square meters.

At the time, Director of the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT) at UNAM, Dr. Laura Palomares Aguilera, explained that it is the first of its kind in the country and will consist of a national laboratory for production and analysis. Biotechnology Molecules and Pharmaceuticals. The Bioprocess Sizing Plant and the Foreign Unit of the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT).

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