Peruvian researchers distinguished in science and technology in South Korea | News

Peruvian researchers distinguished in science and technology in South Korea |  News

South Korea, a country at the forefront of scientific research and technological development, welcomes a community of Peruvian researchers who meet the challenges of studying or working abroad, while adapting to the culture, language, and level of demand in a competitive nation.

On this note, we present the stories and research projects of a group of Peruvian professionals who have taken advantage of the opportunities offered by the Asian country to strengthen their skills, such as

which funds undergraduate and graduate studies.

Using bacteria to treat household wastewater

Environmental engineering for the first time Elizabeth Arenas Was in South Korea as a university student in La Molina National Agricultural University Thanks deal with Dunkook University. During the exchange programme, a professor invited her to his lab and she discovered her passion for research in the field of Microbiology focuses on wastewater treatment.
“This is where I discovered my profession and decided that at some point I wanted to go back to finish what I started,” the Peruvian researcher says. Now she has achieved her goal as an excellent candidate in korean advanced institute of science and technology (known as kaistfor its English acronym), thanks GKS . Scholarship It is awarded by the Korean government for international students.
As part of his Master’s thesis, he is developing research on an innovative technology that uses Anamox and DNRA For domestic sewage treatment. This method can reduce the economic costs and environmental impact caused by the traditional model of wastewater purification.

Fishing net identification and monitoring system

Andrés Cáceres Najarro is an engineer from Apurimé who works as a principal investigator at Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology. He came to South Korea in 2013 thanks to a scholarship, and earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. To date, he leads important research projects, among which is the development of an automated system for identifying and monitoring fishing nets.

Getting there wasn’t easy. When I was studying electronic engineering in Peru University of Applied Sciences (UPC) Apply for a scholarship to continue his studies in South Korea. Thanks to his effort and commitment he won it; From that moment his career took off.

The Fishing Net Monitoring System It serves to help identify all the fishing nets used in the Korean Sea, allowing for more efficient management. Likewise, it will be one of the first systems of its kind to be developed worldwide.

Also manages Caceres Nagaru A A project to locate and track wireless sensors based on evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence. “It’s a system very similar to GPS that helps locate the sensors. For example, you have a robot in a mine, where there are often toxic gases and people can’t go in, so the robots are sent out. In order to navigate between These robots, there is a need for the localization systems that we create,” he points out.

Analysis of the characteristics of Peruvian plants

Yanemi Jilin KisbeePhD candidate Seoul National University, In South Korea, the chemical components of Peruvian plant species and their potential properties as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory to prevent diseases such as diabetes and obesity are being studied.

This Peruvian researcher studied nutrition at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and also received a scholarship from the Korean government for a master’s degree in the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences in Halim University.

In his research, he focused on the isolation of compounds of seven types by an enzymatic system, analysis of toxicity, antioxidants, and other laboratory (cell examination) examinations. This study, on a chemical level, allowed him to discover the potential properties of these in relation to diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

Therapy robots for people with dementia and autism

Kevin Ray Velez Bravo He is a mechanical and aerospace engineer who graduated from Seoul National University, in South Korea, and is part of a research team at Whydots Inc. , which develops two Robots that apply cognitive therapy to help people with dementia and autism.
The idea to develop the robot, called PIO, arose in 2016, in university classrooms. “It was started as part of a project to solve social problems through robotics for the benefit of people with dementia. An investment of US$5,000 was received in 2016 to make a prototype,” says the Peruvian engineer.

Whydots Inc. Develop another robot Targeted at people with autism. The design is penguin-inspired, is shock or fall resistant and seeks to help teens under 16 years old with therapy.

“This project is not for generating money, although it is being developed by a startup company. It didn’t start with the question of how we are going to make money, but how we are going to solve different social problems. The Korean government liked the idea and decided to fund it,” says Velez.

Machine learning to analyze fire evacuation methods

Peruvian engineer Ever Enrique Castillo Osorio, PhD candidate in urban engineering at Gyeongsang National University, South Korea It is developing technologies that apply machine learning to test and compute the safest fire evacuation methods in urban settings, specifically, in places inhabited by vulnerable age groups, such as kindergartens or nursing homes.

His research focuses on presentation Artificial intelligence techniques that allow to evaluate the best evacuation routes In the event of a disaster within this type of facility, analyze the vulnerability components of the infrastructure.

“Initially, the entire workspace is analyzed, which will be an infrastructure, and BIM . is created [modelado de información del edificio] The data is categorized by thematic layers. An algorithm is then developed to migrate them to a geospatial component linked to GIS.”

Cleansing the soil of heavy metals

Cecilia Torres Queiroz He is a graduate National University of Engineering (UNI) and Master of Science with a mention in Civil and Environmental Engineering by Seoul National University. He is currently working in the railway projects sector at Dong Myeong Engineering & Architecture.

During her master’s degree, the Peruvian engineer investigated low-cost materials that can be used in the method of chemical solidification and stabilization Treating soil contaminated with heavy metalsLike arsenic or lead.

Torres stresses that in Korea there is a lot of support and funding for research and explains that even professors can bring together students who are interested in developing a topic. It also calls on young women not to give up their idea of ​​studying science and traveling abroad; He is pleased to know that although some contributions are small, they all contribute to development.

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