Putin supports US initiative to suspend Covid vaccine patents

Putin supports US initiative to suspend Covid vaccine patents

President RussiaVladimir Putin on Thursday endorsed the initiative to Patent Suspension subordinate Vaccines against COVID-19.

The head of the Kremlin said in a video conference with Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, head of the government’s anti-epidemic committee.

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head رئيس European Commission (CE), Ursula von der Leyen, said this afternoon that Europe Willing to discuss comment Vaccine patents approved by the chief United StateAnd the Joe Biden.

According to the Russian president, the initiative complies with the rules WTO (OMC), which provides for lifting the protection of intellectual property protection in exceptional cases.

“The epidemic is an unusual situation. Tatyana Alekseevna (her family), I would like to ask you and your colleagues to study this matter. He said that Russia would certainly support this approach. put it in.

The Russian president stressed that in the current situation, one should not think about obtaining maximum benefits, but about ensuring the safety of people.

“Safety can only be guaranteed if vaccines are used in most countries. Then herd immunity in the broad sense of this concept will be achieved.”

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In addition, Putin said that Russia It is the only country in the world that transfers technologies to other countries to produce vaccines against it COVID-19, distance

“It is a practice that is already working. It is underway. In some countries, production of our vaccine has already been regulated with technology transfer.”.

The World Health Organization (Who is theThursday celebrated the announcement of a government Biden To suspend patents on vaccines, after considering that such a decision would be a “key” in the fight against COVID-19.

The Government of the President of the United StatesAnd the Joe Biden, Wednesday, its support for efforts to waive intellectual property protection for Covid-19 Vaccines With the aim of accelerating the end pandemic.

With information from EFE.

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