Refugees don’t go for tourism, but risk their lives: Francisco

Refugees don’t go for tourism, but risk their lives: Francisco

The Pope Francisco confirmed today that refugees don’t do the landmarks of the city, but they’re brothers and sisters who had to Escaped” for him disputing countries And risking their lives.

The Pope participated in the meeting of the organization school meeting In Rome, where he was able to converse with young people from 41 countries, some present and some remotely connected.

Francisco opened hearts to Come to Europe Because they “do not come for tourism”, but risk their lives and see the necessity of “escaping from a prison that does not allow them to live as free men.”

The Pope lamented the years-long migration crisis in North America Aegean sea, The AtlanticWith the arrival of refugees in Canary Islands, and in Mediterranean seaWhich “became the largest cemetery in the world”.

He also condemned the horrific conditions in which the refugees live and hit its shores as an example Libya“Those who were later caught by the mafia were exploited, tortured and sold to women,” he said.

He asked the young women if they could imagine selling them as merchandise, “This is happening today, with girls like you, with young mothers.”

As he did on several occasions during his pontificate, Francis reminded of the importance of a “culture of encounter” for societies to stay together and said that if forgotten, the heart “petrifies” and falls “into what is socially right,” which causes people to lose their character.

Pope Francis will travel from December 2-6 to CyprusAnd Greece will visit Lesbos Island, the symbol of the arrival of immigrants to Europe which he already visited on April 16, 2016.

Scholas Occurrentes is an international organization of papal law (established by the Vatican) present in 190 countries and which, through its network, includes more than 400,000 educational centers.

With information from EFE

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