Biden’s doctor explained that the president had removed a benign but potentially cancerous tumor

Biden’s doctor explained that the president had removed a benign but potentially cancerous tumor
Joe Biden had a benign but potentially cancerous tumor removed

On Wednesday, Joe Biden’s doctor, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, announced the results of the operation the president underwent last week. The specialist explained that the examinations conducted on the president revealed that he had a tubular adenomaIt is a benign, slow-growing lesion with a potential to be malignant.

O’Connor noticed that The president actually entered the operating room in 2008 to undergo a similar operationHe noted that no further care or operations were needed, although he recommended a routine examination and urged Biden to have a new colonoscopy within seven or ten years.

President She temporarily relinquished power to Vice President Kamala HarrisWhile the colonoscopy he underwent last Friday continued at Walter Reed Hospital.

The President was treated last week at Walter Reed Military Hospital
The President was treated last week at Walter Reed Military Hospital

The White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, noted that the situation was not new – it did happen in 2002 and 2007, when then-President George W. Bush underwent the same procedure – but Yes, this was the first time that power fell on a woman.

the next day Biden was already “in a position” to “successfully fulfill his obligations”As per the doctor’s instructions.

X-rays taken in the tests of the White House tenant determined this He suffers from osteoarthritis in his spine and “moderate to severe” damage from normal wear and tear due to his age. This, according to the doctor, does not require specific treatment because it is not very dangerous and justifies the stiffness of his gait.

Secondly, The president discovered a hiatal hernia causing reflux It could explain frequent throat clearing.

The North American chief physician provided details of last week's medical evaluation
The North American chief physician provided details of last week’s medical evaluation

After the medical news, Biden took a new Tradition three decades for your family, visit a small town of NantucketOn Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to celebrate a family holiday. The last time they passed Thanksgiving Was there in 2019, when Democratic President He was campaigning to become the presidential candidate who would eventually lead him to the White House. Last year, a small group of relatives found themselves in Delaware, where Biden lived until his move to Washington to work in the Oval Room.

Although Thanksgiving is celebrated on Thursday (the holiday is always the last Thursday in November), like many other Americans, the Bidens decided to make the holiday a multi-day holiday. President Biden and the first lady arrived in Nantucket on Tuesday night and will stay there until Sunday.

(With information from Europa Press)

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