6.1-magnitude earthquake hits India-Myanmar border

6.1-magnitude earthquake hits India-Myanmar border


November 26, 2021 00:00 GMT

The earthquake originated at a depth of 32.8 km, with its epicenter 19 km northwest of Hakka City (Chin State, Myanmar).

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.1 at 23:45 UTC this Thursday hit the border region between India and Myanmar, according to Data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

The earthquake originated at a depth of 32.8 km, with its epicenter 19 km northwest of Hakka City (Chin State, Myanmar).

For its part, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC, for its acronym in English) mentioned The strength of the earthquake was 5.8. According to EMSC, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 60 kilometers and was centered 142 kilometers from the Indian city of Aizawl (Mizoram state) and 10 kilometers from Hakka.

At the moment, there have been no reports of deaths or injuries.

Several witnesses described the earthquake as a “strong shock” that woke them up and forced some to leave their homes in fear. “The 8-storey building was shaking so badly that I woke up from a deep sleep,” said a resident of Chittagong (Bangladesh), located 185 kilometers west of the epicenter.

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