Relatives of Americans imprisoned in Venezuela have asked Biden to act to secure their release

Relatives of Americans imprisoned in Venezuela have asked Biden to act to secure their release
Americans Imprisoned in Venezuela by the Maduro Regime

Relatives of nine Americans imprisoned in Venezuela demanded the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to take the necessary measures to achieve their release.

In a letter addressed to the president, parents denounced the Biden administration for its lack of action to achieve the release of prisoners.. Among the detainees are two soldiers associated with the so-called “Operation Gideon”, from the failed attempt to enter Venezuelan territory irregularly, in what the dictatorship called a “coup attempt”, which was to take place initially. May 2020 against the Venezuelan regime.

Six others are former executives of Citgo – the US subsidiary of state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela – and one is accused of a sabotage plot against the Amuay and Cardón refineries.

And these last seven have been under house arrest since last April 30, although the regime ordered their transfer to prison again, This represents retaliation for relatives extradited to the United States from Cape Verde Alex Saab, the alleged front man of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro.

Alex Saab imprisoned in the United States
Alex Saab imprisoned in the United States

In the text, relatives of the nine Americans expressed unease at the White House’s inaction in the face of the situation faced by Jose Pereira Roemwick, Jose Luis Zambrano, Alirio Jose Zambrano, Jorge Toledo, Tomio Fadel and Gustavo Cárdenas. Matthew Heath, Luke Denman, and Eran Perry.

“We are frustrated by the lack of work. Those accused of returning unjustly detained Americans have not even taken the first essential step of engaging directly with the Venezuelans who are holding our loved ones.”Pick up the message.

In addition, they stated that they do not understand why the Biden administration does not want to conduct direct negotiations with Maduro in the interests of the health of Americans, according to the newspaper. ‘the National’.

In this sense, they indicated that in their view the dialogue process in Mexico could be used to further the emancipation of Americans, although these negotiations are currently on hold due to the Saab issue.

Although the United States is not part of the negotiating table between Nicolás Maduro’s regime and the Venezuelan opposition, relatives of Americans imprisoned in Venezuela believe that the White House is indirectly involved in the talks.

(With information from Europa Press)

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