Science for the Oceans – La Tercera

Science for the Oceans – La Tercera

master master

The recent incorporation of the Department of Science into the Ocean Policy Council and the Interministerial Committee for the Implementation of Marine Protected Areas is great news for advancing research and the use of evidence in decision-making about which ocean is a resource. Culture, food, which plays a major role in transportation, and which, through the exchange of water, energy and carbon, supports the essential habitats for life.

A step that recognizes that knowledge and science are fundamental components of our sovereignty, and emphasizes the importance of the ocean as an integrated hub for climate change mitigation and adaptation, especially in a country that meets 7 of the nine criteria for climate vulnerability. A quarter of the population lives in the 100 coastal municipalities.

This move will make it possible to modernize the institutional framework of the National Oceanographic Research System, strengthen the research and development capabilities of more than 40 centers and more than 100 research projects, promote the development of talent in ocean sciences and transform the country into the world by integrating ocean observation into the Climate Change Observatory.

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With the participation of the Ministry of Science, we ambitiously hope to position Chile globally in ocean research, reduce the lack of information in the South Pacific, and share this information to contribute to coordinated climate action, thereby guiding the country on the path to sustainability.

Andres Cove C.

Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation

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