Science reveals the content of the letters of Marie Antoinette and her lover

Science reveals the content of the letters of Marie Antoinette and her lover

Trapped at the Tuileries, Marie Antoinette wrote on January 4, 1792: “I will end, not without telling you, dear and dear friend, that I love you madly and that I cannot live a moment without adoring you.” She addresses her beloved, Count Axel de Virsen, who a few weeks ago wrote to her: “What shall we become, my dear friend? Think about it. Without you there is no happiness for me, the universe is nothing without you.” These words did not appear forbidden love between the Queen of France and the Swedish diplomat. For more than two centuries they remained hidden. We are in the National Archives. In this little car, a piece of French history revolves around it. Dozens of letters exchanged between lovers in the middle of the French Revolution. Several lines have been carefully reviewed. Science has managed to decipher much of this. Each time, emotional passengers are censored. This historian has read it all. I was surprised. “They’ve known each other for over 15 years and are still there putting themselves on a pedestal of worship. We’re not in a tired relationship, we’re still in a very exciting new relationship where all of your hearts and life have been put in jeopardy. That’s the extraordinary. This relationship is taking a new look. on the role of Count Axel de Versen. He was known to have been one of the organizers of Varennes’ failed escape, and was known to be close to the Queen. Now I understand that he wanted to save the French monarchy as much as he loved Marie Antoinette. No one would interfere in the European courts in Brussels and Vienna. He even wrote To Russia asks foreign powers to support the French monarchy. Which is still amazing. Such revisions have always withstood the science. But thanks to X-rays, researchers were able to distinguish the anchor used, revealing hidden letters. A delicate and complex function. “We change the strategy with each letter and every word. Sometimes, you have to do things a little differently, or even completely different. The investigators found that Verson himself is watched messages to protect the dignity of the queen definitely. However, seven of the fifteen letters have not been decoded yet. This emotional correspondence has not yet revealed all its secrets. “

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