The 2021 Awards Ceremony will be held posthumously at La Salle University School of Medicine

The 2021 Awards Ceremony will be held posthumously at La Salle University School of Medicine

Mexico City, . This year’s ‘Postmortem Honor 2021’ awarded by the National Health Award, AC, will be presented to honor the heroes found within the staff who died saving so many lives in the fight against Covid 19 or SARSCoV2, next Wednesday, 17 November, at the Mexican Theater of La Salle University School of Medicine, in the office of the mayor of Tlalpan.

Oscar David Hernandez Carranza, President of the National Health Award and the Qualifying Jury, announced that the event, which will take place at 11:00 on that day, will be attended by the Director of the Faculty of Medicine of La Salle University, Dr. Maria Guadalupe Castro Martinez, as well as the Vice-President of the Algerian National Assembly, Dr. Humberto Martinez Cardoso and Metro. Fernando Oscar Garcia Chavez.

Also present will be CUGS President (Cum Laude Ubi Gloria Semper), Dr. Carlos Alberto García Alfaro, an educational organization that will award 100 percent scholarships to the relatives of each of the day’s recognized health champions in each category.

This recognition is in memory of the more than 4,084 deaths of health professionals and the more than 500,000 people who lost their lives due to SARSCoV2 and whose number is increasing every day.

The National Health Award, AC, as an institution has maintained its interest in recognizing people, NGOs, the public sector and the private sector that have generated positive added value to society since 2013.

This year is no exception, except that this time it seeks to recognize the efforts and work of health professionals in eight categories such as medicine, nursing, laboratory, paramedic, paramedic, Camillero, forensic medicine and management.

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