The 23rd edition of Ciencia en Acción arrives in the Cúbic building with activities for the whole family

The 23rd edition of Ciencia en Acción arrives in the Cúbic building with activities for the whole family

Viladecans will host the 23rd edition of science at work During this weekend, from 7 to 9 October, with the aim of spreading science among citizens, especially among families with children. They will implement this initiative in a fun and stimulating way, where attendees will be able to enjoy activities such as experiments, natural representations or math and physics trails to the park, for which Pre-registration. In addition, the Cúbic Building will host the Science Fair on Saturday, October 8, with an exhibition featuring over a hundred works and projects from fourteen different scientific fields.

This initiative will be launched this afternoon, at 7:00 pm, in Cúbic, through an inaugural act by the mayor. Carlos Ruiz. But despite this, high school students have already started to participate in the activity promoted by UNESCO great experience, in which they celebrate the 500th anniversary of sailing scientist Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastian Elcano. And at 6:00 pm, they also celebrated a street parade with A Marksing band.

On the other hand, visitors will be able to enjoy in the central laboratory of science at work From 102 experiences from seven countries and very different topics. During this, students, educators, researchers and publishers will give demonstrations of their projects in the hands of the audience present.

Finally, this program will end on Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Viladecans Atrium, where the awards ceremony will be held science at workAn event that will be open to the public.

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