The boy takes his mother’s card and spends $ 2,000 on SpongeBob Lollipops

The boy takes his mother’s card and spends $ 2,000 on SpongeBob Lollipops
In social networks, the story of A. Boy Who bought more than $ 2000, non-refundable, in pallets from SpongeBob. Photo: Instagramkatieschlossny.

Single To plunge into life, The Boy Noah Bryant, 4, a resident of Brooklyn, New York City, “borrowed” his mother’s credit card to buy 51 non-refundable ice boxes from Amazon. Of your favorite characterAnd the SpongeBob, At $ 2,618.

The story has spread widely In social networks: in a picture, Se and take Boy Noah Bryant is very happy with his color palette SpongeBobAt the expense of her mother’s pocket, a student who could not settle the account, finds herself in need of an order Support in the digital platforms of Goods packing.

  • These 2,618 dollars are roughly equivalent to 52,655 MXN
  • He bought lollipops with his mother’s card, but asked her to come to his aunt’s house

The case became viral a Once Upon a Time Citizen Katie Schools He posted it on his Instagram account, to sell paintings SpongeBob On GoFundMe, a platform that allows you to raise money for charitable or business events of all kinds: They can be resold Product for $ 6,594 (131 thousand 718 pesos).

Jennifer Bryant, mother Boy Noah Bryant Study MA in Social Work At New York University, he paid off many student loans and other loans, which he sought help from Internet users. After the success of the story, she thanked the support of Katie Schools and the buyer of the platforms SpongeBob.

Jennifer Bryant commented in a message on social media:

“Thank you so much for your amazing generosity and support. As the mother of A. Boy Living with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), all future donations will go toward Noah’s education and additional support. We cannot thank you enough. Oh really”.

After the panic carried by the frozen popsicles SpongeBob Bought by him BoyThe mother also confirmed that after Mr. Square Pants’s shipment is liquidated, every dollar obtained will help with his university’s expenses.

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