The global sports betting market is expected to reach $140 billion by 2028

The global sports betting market is expected to reach 0 billion by 2028


The size of the Sports betting market is growing at a rapid speed. It is expected to reach $140.26 billion by 2028, which means that the industry is most likely to register the highest CAGR in this period. Therefore, the interest in the field and the competition within the industry are enhancing massively, which makes it even more important for the users to be aware when placing bets.

The size of the global sports betting market is expected to grow – a lot! According to a report from Grand View Research Inc, the market is expected to be worth $140.26 billion by 2028. From 2021 to 2028 the market size is going to expand at a CAGR of 10.1 percent, which is mainly caused by the digital infrastructure, which is developing at rapid speed, and connected devices. But also the increased number of sports events and sports leagues, not to forget the huge amount of marketing around betting, is also an important key factor.

Increased investments in online betting platforms

As more and more sporting events are taking place and online sports betting has become officially legal in several countries, including major players such as the USA, Brazilian, and Italy, we are seeing massive growth in the sports betting market in recent years.

This growth is also reflected in the number of actors now interested in investing money in online betting platforms, thereby getting a piece of the big money cake. The market has undoubtedly benefited from the advent of the internet, like any other industry, which has allowed the 4.8 billion internet users around the world to participate in online betting through internet-connected devices.
Therefore, online betting is a field that is constantly evolving, and sports betting platform providers are investing both time and money in research and development activities intending to introduce new initiatives and innovations to the great market that has a lot of potential.

More money, increased competition

Of course, the innovations and tech-developed solutions are mostly about improving their services and being the one betting provider that can offer the best user experience when betting on sports or any other activity. Nowadays, the betting market embraces a large part of other disciplines and activities, in addition to sports, which one can also bet on, like Esports, The Oscars, and Elections.

The market is growing at a considerable speed, as described, which also means that many more want a piece of the pie, and therefore we also see increased competition within the sports betting field. In addition to the increasing number of sports bettors across the world, we also see a rise in the number of betting providers.

Therefore, it can be quite challenging for the user to get a grasp of it all and choose a legitimate platform that fits their needs. Additionally, there is already a lot of information one should consider when choosing to place a bet, and when developing a betting strategy. It is not straightforward, and therefore it is important that you, especially as new to sports betting, manage to do thorough research before wagering. This can be done through platforms like, where you have the opportunity to find the latest news, and stay updated on the matches and the other information related to the sport, in which you’re interested, like welcome bonuses, player performances, and general predictions.

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