The government provides support for traditional medicine

The government provides support for traditional medicine

Morelia, Michigan, February 12, 2021. – The Michigan government provides tools to enhance the knowledge of those who dedicate themselves to traditional medicine and herbs.

According to a press release, this branch of medicine is closely related to the environment, through the use of plants that reproduce naturally in the entity’s various ecosystems, providing benefits to humans.

Maria Teresa Madrigal Alaniz, Undersecretary of the Secretariat for Social and Human Development (SEDISO), and Head of the Secretariat for Environment, Climate Change and Regional Development (Semaccdet), Ricardo Luna Garcia, has concluded a herbal course in Uruapan targeting professionals who dedicate themselves to this work.

Emilia Alejo Simone, a traditional physician and herbalist on the Burebesha Plateau, has been in the specialty for 18 years, through which hundreds of students have passed over the years.

At the session, Emilia showed off one of her innovation products, a homemade vapor made from medicinal plants like vaporub, eucalyptus, dollar, camphor, and menthol, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, decongestant and anti-anxiety properties, which helps prevent colds.

Madrigal Alanese concluded by saying: “Effort, dedication and love for Mother Earth are the qualities that distinguish the teacher, and we thank the traditional doctors for their keenness on preserving the environment and their free advice and care.”

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