The luxurious life in Beverly Hills is filled with some drama in this Netflix reality show about the family estate dynasty.
a series of Netflixreveals the opulent life of one of the wealthiest regions of the United States through a A reality show called Buying Beverly Hills.
Buy Beverly Hills is a reality show on Netflix that, through 8 chapters In this first season, they’ll reveal what real estate sales are like.
family Mauricio Umanskyhusband Kyle Richards of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and their daughters Farah Brittany and Alexia Umansky, are stars Buy Beverly Hills on Netflix.
So this is new and novel Netflix serieswill follow the group of real estate agents working for Umansky.
The purchase of Beverly Hills will reveal the most luxurious properties in the region
new Reality show on Netflixthey smash it to the podium by showing the most luxurious properties on Buy Beverly Hills.
And from the hands of real estate agency Mauricio Umansky and his daughters, these gorgeous estates will leave more than one with their mouths open.
but not only Buy Beverly Hills It’s not about selling real estate in the area, but everything will have a special touch of drama in this Netflix series.
A summary of the purchase of the Netflix series Beverly Hills
The agency, Mauricio Umansky’s family business, represents some of the most luxurious real estate in Beverly Hills, but there’s drama every step of the way.
The cast of Buying Beverly Hills, Netflix series
- Mauricio Umansky
- Brittany joy
- Alexia Umansky
- Santiago Arana
- Ben Bilak
- Joe Ben-Zvi
- John Grumman
Trailer to buy Beverly Hills, Netflix series
“Professional problem solver. Subtly charming bacon buff. Gamer. Avid alcohol nerd. Music trailblazer.”