The mysterious note left by the Ugandan Olympian after his disappearance from his hotel in Tokyo

The mysterious note left by the Ugandan Olympian after his disappearance from his hotel in Tokyo

Julius SiketolikoAnd the Olympic athlete 20 years old from Uganda, disappear Friday at your hotel after arriving in Tokyo to play the next day Olympic Games to be held in Japan; However, he left a vague note.

According to the authoritiesThe whereabouts of Julius Siketoliko are still unknown; However, in his note you can read his intentions to start a new life outside his native country.

Since last Friday, it is not known where the weightlifters are after leaving the hotel where the athletes are staying. In his room was found a note that wrote:I want to work in Japan“.

Early Friday, after leaving the hotel, the athlete bought a ticket for an express train (“Shinkansen”) bound for Nagoya, about 200 kilometers away, according to Efe.

According to Izumisano officials, Sikitoliko wrote in his memo that he did not want to return to Uganda due to the difficult living conditions in the African country, and asked members of his delegation to hand over their property to his wife in their country of origin.

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The athlete’s whereabouts remain unknown at the moment, although a Ugandan representative was able to reach him by phone on Friday afternoon without obtaining further information.

The weightlifter is one of nine athletes on the team who have been in isolation after discovering two positive cases of COVID upon their arrival in Japan on June 19.

The head of the Ugandan Olympic delegation said in a statement sent to Kyodo that Sikitoliko will return to her country with her coach next week. Beatrice AyikoroDuring the regular briefings, the team emphasized the need to “respect Japan’s immigration regulations and not choose to leave the camp without permission.”

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